


Thursday, January 6, 2011

How do I become a butterfly?

In our drizzle of everyday human life are tested major ... have patience (which is a virtue), to make sacrifices (which is worthy), to make decisions (which is important), to make mistakes and learn of them (which may be a value) and love (which is infinity).

Discover what matters in life ... for you

Long-term success has less to do with finding the best idea, best organizational structure or busines model and soon discover what matters to each of us as individuals.

Find the courage to do what matters

You create success not because you are perfect or lucky but because you have the courage to do what matters to you. It is also a matter of integrity.

Recognize the signs of passion

When we embrace the idea that we are passionate about, wasting time passing that we are interested only thing I do selflessly, for the sake of doing something. It would be something: find room for more passion.

You have to find room for everything that matters in your life. When you exclude all other things and focus on one thing, there is a danger to find impossible to locate the true treasure.

Connect with your cause and find the voltage

When you do something with passion, because that provides us with charisma and automatically connecting us to that activity, such as electricity. If we want some impact (on our entire lives), we take care to make a difference aside from what is politically correct or popular.

Put into practice your passion, determination and skills

You can not skip any of those three if you want to enjoy success to survive, to be connected with your mission in life. Beekner Frederick said that "to find your mission in life is to find the intersection of the deepest joy in your heart and need for this world."

If it is to be greedy for something, be greedy for knowledge

Being the best at what you do is essential to build your success to resist. Of course, you must look to make a difference by acquiring knowledge that - let's say you have an ethical responsibility to "invest" capital to make a difference.

Align your intentions, words and actions

Remove all the inconsistencies. This alignment requires you to remove from your life everything is not consistent with your goals and passions. That includes people. Choose Wisely.

Anyway, I hope that everyone who read this article you will keep hope that there is a butterfly and a better person in all of us. I hope we continue to strive to bring out the best in each person.


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