


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Your relationship with you

In relation to a life partner, no matter how nice it would be and no matter how much we have in common, at some point we will hit all the different ways to react and question. It's basically a matter of time before when will they appear small or large (depending only on us) conflict situations.

Each partner brings in the relationship primarily past and how it's lived experiences shaped his way of being. In fact, there are those experiences to shape our own, but rather how we choose to interpret and represent them mentally. Choose practical significance for each lived experience.

For example, if we do not answer the phone many times, we may ascribe this event a lack of interest from the one we are trying to contact him, that we reject or avoid and why not, that is predictive scenario in the company of another person of the opposite sex. :) Or, you can choose to see beyond that missed call, a busy person, or simply does not hear the phone, why trust investing that missed call. We take things personally or not, and depending on this choice against the increase or decreases the quality of our lives.

The module dedicated to relationships in the "Get the Edge", Tony Robbins concludes that the pit a few times the partner's reactions are a direct response to our address, but rather are a response to an experience of the person lived in the past and present or brought their own needs nesatisifacute when no illusion that needs can be satisifacute strictly through the prism of the relationship we have with your partner.

Yes, your spouse will satisfy your need to be loved and to feel important, but so long as we do not we manage to satisfy this need, it's just a matter of time until we feel the bitter taste of disappointment and rejection. For that, where there are people with different life experiences different social and family influences, different, different education and training, at some point there will be conflicts and the failure of the beloved we meet those needs at a desired level us.

So how is best?

I think what saves the relationship is often a partner's ability to not take things personally and especially not to go to neglected issues in the relationship. I understand by this ability to be able to satisfy your own needs they expect You and powerful to satisfy their relationship, before entering the relationship. In other words, be yourself, first of all that life partner you are looking for, developing that relationship with yourself that you want and a projection into the future.

When you get hungry in the relationship of love, desire to be appreciated and to be significant, increase or to find stability and / or variety, without you can you give you first of all the things you look for to your spouse , you're an investor who puts his recent reckless bucks in one bank, to leave without the slightest reservation aside. And if the bank goes bankrupt, what happens?

We see implemented this "bankruptcy" in couple relations unworkable when unmet needs just searched through the relationship brings a spiritual desolation and a lock that prevents us longer be functional in other aspects of our lives, such as for example our own relationship with us, work, friends, family, our passions.

When each partner relationship steps into a position where he wants to provide and maximize their potential reached in relation to himself , "I give - you get" , and not from a selfish level that wants to satisfy their own needs "you give - I receive" , or at an intermediate level, conditioned celuilat reaction, such as "give, give, you're not, do not give" will successfully cope with the inherent differences that will occur at a time. It will manage to overcome them without taking things personally, without resentment and high-stakes game, but detached and balanced.

Choose to invest in yourself first, to believe in you and give you attention and love that you are looking for the perfect partner. Remember that many times we are the answer for a partner's reaction, but rather the experience of the past, its own meaning on events and choose to give it its own particular needs.

As a relationship work well and be functional it is important that each partner must be it for him they were looking for that ideal in the other person. When you do not need a partner to feel loved couple, join our relationship providing a level and not demand.

When two different people "to offer" one another and choose to grow together through the overlapping of personal needs define who already met individually, creates the premises of the relationship of your dreams.



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