


Monday, November 29, 2010


It is downright annoying as when you think you've closed a door in your life you appear temptations. When you think of when a wound is healed instead of being something that is something that a scratch patch and the wound was reopened and it is often harder to cure.
More specifically, when you think you got over the separation from loved ones, he suddenly reappears in your life and you say maybe this time will be different, perhaps you from me ... and we can can can say that only half-opendoor ... I learned from last lesson, but we realize that give feelings burst upon us again.
When you say: no, this place I no longer work offers nothing, nothing will ever change, I am leaving. Hmm .. then there is the temptation, it's better pay, he would change something about your work, etc.. The proposed changes are typically changes at a superficial level. Even if you ask them, they often do not make you decide whether to stay or not to the place of work.
How to deal with temptations?
When it comes to love, is a execitiu we take in the workshop Call love into your life.
So imagine your heart, a big heart, beautiful, ready to receive love in your life. But the heart needs cleaning. Take a Waste shovel and clean everything is still there that can prevent a new chance to give love.
At heart there is a door behind the door ... "dos" throw garbage on there ..imagine how you put the garbage out. Then home ... regain the front door, a beautiful door, welcoming. You can imagine how the back door there fell away ... temptation. All you need is not more beautiful things. And love's open front door is open ... the person that will make life beautiful. How do you arrange your heart with confidence, with joy, the beautiful feelings when you're ready (to) love will ring at your door.
When it comes to workplace imagine that you wake up knowing that going to work with pleasure. It's a job where you feel very good that you do what you love. You can imagine the past those days where you feel frustration, anger, etc ... and you realize how important it is to have a job where you can feel smug. You wake up smiling, happy, enthusiastic, smiling, eager to start a new day of work.
Living in the moment of visualization will make you clarify and to banish the temptations, first of all recognize that there are temptations and stop letting "Bewitched."
These exercises will be done every time you want to intredeschizi door and let you prey temptations. Success!


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