


Monday, November 29, 2010

Are you sick to go to school?

If your answer to the question of title is "YES", the article below is for you, it will give some explanations. If your answer to the question of the title is "NO", the article below is for you, you will help you ask some questions. If your answer to the question of title is "Do not know", this article will help you to find an exact answer. 
I start this article with a replica of a famous movie I watched with pleasure as a child - Karate Kid. 
Myiagi Sensei tells his disciple: 
There are no slouch student, teacher just silly. 
And with this began I know that I have raised 90% of head teachers, but ... I think that I and wanted. 
I read recently an article appeared written by Stephen Vlaston Hotnews and I realized that "you are sick to go to school. 
Young people today do not go gladly to school because they teach all sorts of nonsense, useless things, meaningless, or who do not see the point of usefulness. Let me give a few examples gathered from Mr Vlaston article and that will build: 
"In mathematics grade (10-11 years), the revised curriculum:" The use, in various contexts, of infinite sets of natural numbers (the set of integer multiples of a set of numbers-in particular seems, odd set of numbers, the set of terms a stream that meets a given rule). 
Class VI: (11-12 years) Exercise recognition of the significance of different weights in calculating weighted average. 
Romanian Language and Literature, eighth grade, concepts collected from textbooks approved by the Ministry: omniscient, artifact, eponym, the authorial perspective, esoteric, transgression time, syncretism of languages, reflective character. 
The ninth grade: conjecture, fastidios, alliteration, amfibrahul, oxymoron, troheul, toponomastica, omorganic, inextricably, acronym, analepsa, anticalofilie, climax, anticlimax, chronotop. 
Let's say I'm part of those people uneducated and without basic knowledge who can not speak or write, but how many of you have ever heard or used notions above? 
And when you ask others wonder: "How come you're sick to go to school?" Do you know how to justify the answer, but feel that something draws you to a place called school. 
The above could be a justification, but there are others. I'll take them one at a time. 
1. Concepts taught 
About them it was in the quote above. It is clear that the matter that is taught today, in large part it is outdated, some of the concepts taught are heavy and useless, and that leads students from boredom and indifference. Here you can talk a lot, because there are teachers who know how to attract students to their side. 
I know a lady teacher of Romanian young people who preferred that her class is reading something, instead of avoiding compulsory readings and recommended them "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," "Legends of Olympus" Jules Verne's books or Agatha Christie novels. The highest recommended them to read literature or personal development or the novels of James Clavell Doru Davidovich. 
2. Teaching Mode 
Oooo, here I could go with roller in the teaching methods of some teachers or their demands. 
I happened to be munching apostrophize by a teacher when I got out of class when all students have stood up, stood straight and said "Buuuunaaaa ziiiiuuuuaaaa" in a tone that expresses anything other than respect . I came to give a lecture on communication. 
I refused to go to class once in these conditions for my lectures. I was told that this is how you learn respect and that it may better to "I got them under control." I was allowed "to do my number" and were regarded with pity ... "I will devour in five minutes!" 
We say only that, the lecture ended with applause, and after 50 minutes I had 32 friends who respected me and told me: "can not wait to come." 
Not to mention the classical teaching methods. The teacher comes, put the catalog on his desk, goes absentii, play two, three, standing lesson dictates that "only it is stronger" and then leave, not before saying: "Next time you test." 
Only when I think I do And I pity those in banks. Both? That was the whole lesson? Where is communication, where mutual respect, where five minutes of conditioning, which are the best two minutes of talking, where is the interaction? 
3. Lack of interest 
Here, unfortunately, is a vicious circle. Students and teachers spinning in circles and not get anywhere, although each of them says, "Try!" We give them the right ones out, with it will remain "in a circle." 
Teachers have a compulsory subject taught, students do not like the material, teachers are upset with the attitude of pupils, students become bored and insolent, angry teachers, students and become more naughty ... conflict increases. Teachers dislike the way they get students, and students are made sick by the school and teachers. 
Let's see a scenario, the actual fact that the decongestant at a time, to a certain class of a possible conflict. 
The teacher has to teach material imposed by the ministry, no matter what field. Comes in class and telling students about a week before you're going to teach and to propose a project. They each bring a contribution to the material taught, both as an information and image! Proceed will see how they will proceed. 
The day of teaching, most pupils had a paper or more information and images about the topic, some had nothing. There were about 15 and about 10 pictures of different information about the topic. The information was made each phrase and each image was scanned. Those who had brought information or images have been co-opted to work on presentation.However, it was later made a PowerPoint presentation that won an award, not much, but enough to succeed as a whole class to make a day trip. 
I'm not saying that among students there and ignorant and free copies of any scruples will not under any circumstances get involved in the learning process, but slowly the group will be excluded. Young people are very sensitive to what's right and wrong! In the above case were two students who did not have the interest and not in any way participated in the project.Her colleagues refused to take the trip. One of them came home with money, he was paid and accepted without the resentment of any party. 
You know what it takes? Just a bit of interest and someone who was out of the vicious circle! 
I'll give one example of a teacher who is one of those 10% that I consider him a mentor and remaining life in the hearts and minds of their students. A lady teacher, class teacher as a class, he decided to leave the circle. 
At the end of the school year came to the festivity ... the bag! Yes, as you heard with the prize bag. Not offered banalele of old books, but Harry Potter books, sets of blades, ping-pong and soccer ball. How to choose: the happy winners, with a unified class and a group of colleagues who squint. What did he do? It came out of the circle! 
If you answered no to the question of the title and the article will not face any questions raised is very good. You will be able to successfully fulfill all the tasks you will be drawn throughout life, you will be satisfied with what you have, without crave more, you have a life as the things you do. Good luck! 
If you answered do not know and now you changed your option to Yes means that you are on track. You get from life what you will, you know what to look for your interest, you will succeed in completing your education to bring things and concepts that will develop and you will be able to fashion your life as you want. Any good change is better than later to make at all! Good luck! 
If you answered yes to question, do not despair! Think positive, the school in its essence is a positive thing, teachers will be true if you find mentors and especially the right ones, received notions fill the school to others that are found in alternative sources of education (web development booksPersonal, books in general). In life you will be among the leaders, you have everything you want and no dream of yours will not be satisfied. Success!


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