


Monday, November 29, 2010

Return to life

The story goes that a man wanted to find the magical stone meets every need. Having no idea where to look, he went to a wise man to ask for advice. He said: "Magical Stone is on the seashore. Walk on the beach and take in hand every stone, if it is cold, throw it into the sea because it is just a normal stone, if it is hot, it means that you have found the Magic Stone. "
Hopefully, our man went to the seashore. The first stone he picked it was cold. Disappointed, he threw it into the water. And the second was stone cold - and threw it into the sea. He spent it all day, then another day and another day ... week in a row in which he found only the cold stones which he threw into the sea.
Then one day he put his hand on a hot stone. Magical Stone was right!Unfortunately, he felt that only a fraction of a second before throwing it into the sea. After many days, lost the habit of man and realize every gesture, throwing stones and I entered the reflex.
How many "magic rocks" waste daily because we live our lives on autopilot, always thinking the other hand, not stopping us any moment to realize what we are doing right now?
Most times, the second when we wake in the morning, went into a kind of trance. Once we start running the same thoughts in mind that we had yesterday, and the other day, and we launch hypnotized in the daily program.Go missing on the street and get along well known that not welcome.
Do not see that smells of lime or on the sidewalk is a lie. Arrived at the office, we agonized all day asking "Did I shut the door? I removed the iron from the socket? I turned off the stove? ". During our meetings we do think that an evening at home, and when we get home we think you'll do tomorrow at work.
Basically, though we act in the waking state, we really rarely sober in the sense of actually paying attention to what we experience now, without thinking of something else, not to pass everything through the filter of what we want, we believe, we would like that upset us today, tomorrow we will ingrijiora.
The absence of the present moment
This absence of the present moment we erode relationships, makes us miss good opportunities, we eat with unnecessary thoughts and, finally, to live our lives with the feeling that nothing happens interesting.
Let us pause for a moment to read an old haiku:
What a miracle! What a miracle!
Scot water
Chop wood.
What she means this little Zen wisdom focused, I think, quite clear: the only way not to turn our entire lives in a meaningless routine and not behave like robots is to be careful around us and to us. Habit of "living in our heads" makes us miss the miracle and wonder of being alive, to move us, to fulfill our daily tasks, to see, hear, smell, taste and feel.
Certainly it is difficult to reach the level of concentration and autoconstientizare of a Buddhist monk - he has to go daily to work in a hellish traffic, to trade penny stock to take their children to kindergarten.
But we made a pact with ourselves: we now return immediately when we realize that every time we thought elsewhere, not to be put in a position to see with regret that ... I accidentally threw into the sea a magic stone.




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