


Monday, November 29, 2010

Can you effectively ask?

Anthony Robbins, one of the best known promoters of personal development, used to hold seminars on "How to get anything I want." He asked each participant to take out a sheet of paper, write what she wants and then says he will share the magic formula to get those things. When the man could no longer look forward, he says: "Ask! End of seminar.
What he wanted to say through this simple, "Ask!"? To claim, you tanguiesti, you cry, humiliates you? He fell from the sky waiting for help, works of charity or someone to do work for you? No. What he wanted to say is that you need to decide exactly what you want and learn to ask precise and intelligent.
There are five guiding principles to ask so that you get what you want.Although it may seem common sense, you will find that often are not applied or, in any case, not concurrently.
1. Ask for concrete and specific.
Describe clearly what you want, what, when, where, how and with whom, how? When asking for a loan from a bank does not say: "Give me some money to me, how many have, to open my shop over the last year or two."You go to a business plan and know exactly what you do and how much money you need.
Apply this model of precision whenever you ask for something. Words and phrases and avoid confusing, vague and generalized. You know, veiled reproach applications-such as "You are never out!" Or "Someone would have to change something in that company." Better say "I would like to give me more attention when ..." or "I want to know how to help improve ...."
2. Ask someone who can help.
Ask someone who has the resources (and possibly skills) required: Knowledge of the field that interests you, money, relationships, business experience. Do not confuse the effective exchange of information "bar wisdom" shared with someone who has the same problem as you.
Do not ask about love advice to someone who has never had a long term relationship and not about the money a person plunged in debt. Find instead a man who has what you do not have (money, a happy relationship, leisure, etc..) And see what makes them succeed. Or hire an expert.
3. Offer value in exchange for your request.
Do not wait just to give you, but first think about how you can help you on the other. Give yourself the person requesting contributions. Do not give the impression that expect mercy, but you look like a fair exchange.
In Maori culture (Aboriginal population in New Zealand) is said to have made gifts of the spirit, called Hau. When someone offers you something, that object's Hau wants to return there, where it came from and "haunt you" until you offer in return a gift to that person. (More on this topic in the book "rich man" by Tor Nørretranders).
So even if you believe in spirits, be sure to balance supply and demand and explain very clearly what you got to give in return.
4. Ask with conviction and repeat until you get what you want.
The surest path to a refusal to send conflicting signals. If you're not convinced, you will betray the tone of voice, posture or look.
You must be able to show that you know what you want, you're sure you'll succeed and that you create value, not only for yourself but for the person from whom you ask. And again! That is not to ask the same person, nor ask the same way and in any case to harass or bored people with insistence.
Change-up, adjusts up, restates your application with other words or simply address your letter to someone else. But do not give up. Eventually you will find favorable circumstances.
5. Do not be embarrassed to ask for help.
One of the hardest things is to recognize that not by yourself and you're overwhelmed. Many people avoid asking for help from a variety of reasons: the pride, of ambition, fear, and not to wrinkle or image that does not realize that they need help.
But getting help does not amount to recognition of humiliation or defeat. And if you ask intelligent and efficient, you will definitely find someone who will help you. Remember: only the strong and wise people really have the courage to recognize in time that they need help.
So follow these tips to increase your chances of success. But do not forget what Oscar Wilde said:
There are two tragedies in life. One is to not get what you asked, and the other is to achieve.




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