


Monday, November 29, 2010

Inner experience

Law of Attraction teaches us how we can consciously create the future, think and feel like what we already would have happened. Easier said than done because many pitfalls in a practical way that, without knowing or want, we ask ourselves alone. Not intentionally, of course, but automatically, unconsciously programmed from childhood or even earlier.
Kevin Schoeninger, a founder of Mind Body Training Company, is a trainer, Reiki Master and Qigong instructor. Here are some of his good ideas on this issue (along with some personal considerations). There are things that some may know them from elsewhere, but how they are explained here is simple and direct. So we have the advantage of us remember - or learn and realize for the first time ...
Little sabotage
It keeps talking about the power of intention and how, when one set, the universe will answer you. But there is one little problem. We attract things, people, events on the subconscious level, without necessarily intending it.As much as we see, feel, intend on a conscious level, if there are programs that interferes unconscious, sabotage us alone.
How do we know this? There are several signs. Maybe we are "confused" and do not know exactly what you want to "draw". We want something (money, things, relationships), but it's like missing something deeper. We are afraid to fail if we intend dreams too daring - so renounce desire. All of them keep us there, somehow.
Removing these programs require more than thoughts, emotions and positive action. They should be made aware that these patterns be related to the energy released. Only then can set our conscious intentions.
Grand sabotage
Experience to "like" it removes some of you. Instead you have to "get" it. Our being, what we create our life.
We attract everything by what we are, not by what we do. What comes to us is a consequence of our own consciousness.
I learned the first time these ideas now more than nine years of (probably) the first book that made reference to the Romanian market and explained these issues ("Conversations with God", Vol 1, ND Walsch - Ed For You,1999). At that time it was something new and it took me years to understand, to live and experience these truths, step by step (and still have much to learn).
Meanwhile, hundreds of books on NLP, personal development and spirituality have taken the concept further and have added new facets. Here, briefly, some ideas from Kevin (similar to those of Walsch).
The problem is that we want something - and 'like' material things is that now you do not. Although the view and feel like you've had today, the subconscious knows that you do not have them now - otherwise you do visualization exercises. It's something outside of yourself - and that's what you do to attract what you want.
Consciousness may perceive as "stay focused on having now" - but do not fool the subconscious - we "do not want to have it." At the level of being are in a state of "wanting." The subconscious knows that you are looking for something outside to get what you feel is missing - so it will give you more of what you want and "affirm" that have not yet. We still run programs lack, desire, poverty.
If you want to attract any (eg, love), you must think, feel and do acts of love inside, that to experience love. Then emit outside - it's an inner experience that becomes a mirror on the outside. The state of the environment to attract frequencies that resonate with you. When you live in a state of inner wholeness, love, abundance, gratitude, they will experience the outdoors.
We need to focus on your inner emotional-energy environment, and that draws the life you want. Unfortunately, most times, we lose the interior experience in a world increasingly outward-oriented results.
We are "obsessed" with the final outcome because we believe he will make us feel safe, loved, accepted. We measure and judge each other according to the results we obtain (the 3 P, as I call them: Popularity, Productivity, Possessions). And we realize that, in fact, we lose ourselves in the process of life - "miss" higher purpose, inner experience, the journey of life.
We need to remember this, to reconnect us to our being, to who we really are. And all that you need to make are small steps, day by day.
A daily practice (and rituals), no matter how brief, will connect us with our being is vibrating at high levels. And we will provide the energy to feel that we already have everything inside. Then, coming out in the world with this condition, which resonate and attract the same level match. This is how materialize.
Next time we talk about such a daily practice that we can maintain a high level, above the unconscious programs.



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