


Monday, November 29, 2010

Motivation induced

It's probably mentioned in many books, materials, training or movies that motivation starts from a need or an emotion that we want to live. These in turn are also influenced by the values and beliefs we have. Last but not least are influenced by the fears and concerns that we inherited from less constructive experiences of our past (or of which we still have not managed to extract some lessons of life).
That said, does not mean that every man wants to finish things or quality.However, based on the above mentioned factors that influence motivation, not everyone feels ready to support a certain level of quality of his work.
Quality is influenced not only by the person's abilities, but also trust that person that has those skills.
They are capable people who have little confidence in what they can and then the chances are small that they perform to their potential and the expectations of others (although I feel that potential, to motivate feel neputionciosi in person).
And so we come back to the idea from the article "We are ready to endorse anyone?". Yes, the idea is not as motivated, but how to help a person find themselves not only to come naturally or as a desire to get things done, but trust that this is possible.
It may be an alternative approach, but often have to go to the cause, especially when you notice that treatment effects did not produce any results.


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