


Monday, November 29, 2010

Let's look, and other laws!

I do not think that there is already someone who has not heard of the Law of Attraction. It says, in essence, that energy that you convey your thoughts and predominantly in the universe attract the same level of vibration energy, or resonance frequency.
Its promoters shall mainly focus on the idea that if you send your thoughts 'right', you attract to you everything you want. The biggest challenge to the Law of Attraction is that it works automatically, but both in the positive direction and in the negative. Most people do not realize that, focusing on what or what not bother them, they channel their energy to attract even more of what I have or do not mind!
But there are other universal laws that do not get the same attention and promotion such as the Law of Attraction. Maybe not spectacular enough, can not promise immediate effect and does not have that element of "magic", but I think it is worth briefly pass in review. You will see that some of them will seem familiar to you!
Deliberate Creation Law says: "What I think, begin to attract. What we think intentionally, attract more rapidly. " Although apparently the same thing with the Law of Attraction, the difference is the following: as explained by including the Law of Attraction you attract negative things, if unconsciously persist in a negative state.
If instead it deliberately transmit the universe, conscious, productive thoughts and emotions, you will attract what you want. In other words, the Law of Attraction are often passive and not a creator figure out how you drew certain situations in your life, while Deliberate Creation Law incur voluntarily, consciously. Therefore, as sages say, wait a guard at the gate of your mind and do not let anyone go!
Acceptance can be synthesized Law principle of least resistance: "They are what they are and allow them and others to be what they are." This law really prompts you to accept, and not just to tolerate the differences they observe in others. If you are not aligned to this law, means that you claim that people think, feel, believe and act according to how you think "should".
The habit of judging others will do, according to the Law of Attraction, to attract even more negative circumstances or people in your life because you focus on criticizing and judging them. Moreover, you got angry and annoying you that others do not behave as you want you, affect your mood, energy level and inner freedom. How to be free if you always need everyone to conform to your expectations you feel satisfied?
Law sufficiency and abundance. In the last article talked about the crisis and thinking how much it affects your chances of success.
Try to realize right now that you have within you all the resources you need to accomplish your goals. From a spiritual and energetic, "portion" you is limitless. You've been given life and have access to all the power needed to succeed. You should not feel cheated if someone else has more or less success, as it would have taken the "ration" your.
The mentality of tribulation (thinking Poverty ') weakens your ability to manifest your own desires. If you focus on the idea that you never have enough or not enough opportunities part, will continue to attract the lack of opportunities. The universe has an unlimited potential - the only limits are those that we impose on us through fear, doubt, lack of confidence and belief or any other emotion with low vibration.
Law posting. In a way, it is non-attachment correspondent was talking about in another article passed. To get something in the physical universe, you must give up attachment to that thing.
Eventually, it all comes down to trust. When you are in a state usually detached, relaxed? When you trust, you're assured that everything is working properly.
When you just know - at a deep level - that you will get everything you need, the results come naturally, and the time in which they appear to be perfect, no earlier or later than you should. If you become worried or anxious, sit as an energy barrier that works to end result and do than to be late. So set your positive intention, do what you do and then ... just have faith!
Law speaks of unity in duality polarity. There are two opposite poles or anything, but represent the two extremes of the polarity of something that is actually the same thing. For example: hot / cold, good / bad, rich / poor may refer to the same or the same person but may mean different things to different people.
What is important to understand the Law of Polarity is the ability to transform your perception so that you create a new reality. It depends on you to change your mind about something or someone. When you can not perceive a man as "evil" and you consider "good" actually turn your whole attitude towards the man. And a change of attitude can cause a change in the entire experience you have with that person.
It was a brief description of the five universal law that you can only believe alone or "annex" of the Law of Attraction. It is important that all works together, support and complement each other.
If I want to stay with one idea after reading this article, it would be: be careful what you attract into your life by chance, without realizing it! Making it a habit to consciously focus your thoughts and emotions to what you want (not what you do not want to) and always working on your energy level, will allow the Law of Attraction to work as they should!


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