


Monday, November 29, 2010

Relaxation is attractive

It was once a woman who deserted her boyfriend. For months she cried, suffered, was furious, and razor-analysis examined how and why this happened, without reaching any conclusion. Sadness overwhelmed and the conflicting feelings, but one evening he decided he had enough and threw in the trash framed photo of former boyfriend, which he kept on the nightstand.
But the morning when he woke up, the picture was back on the nightstand.Thinking that someone had played a trick on her house, took pictures, went down stairs and threw her to the garbage bin behind the building. But the next morning, guess what? Photo was still on the nightstand. Livid with rage, got in the car, ran to the edge of town and threw the photo at the landfill. But alas! Morning and found himself back on the bed with framed portrait.
Thinking he is already fallen prey to a conspiracy designed to bring her to the brink of insanity, she hired a private detective to lie in wait and see who keeps on bringing back photo on the nightstand. Then he headed back to the outskirts and threw the photo at the landfill.
Dimineara, horror! Photo reign on the nightstand.
She immediately phoned the detective and asked who is the author of this rude jokes. To which the detective, rather puzzled, replied: "You, ma'am, you awake in the middle of the night and you went to retrieve the photo of the garbage."
The conclusion of this semi-horror stories? To get rid of something that haunts you, you should not lose that something outside you, but part of you still cling to that something.
Sounds pretty complicated, right? In fact, as you reach the stage where you can not go further because of a failure? A possible answer can be found in how you set your goal from the very beginning and exaggerated emotional that you gave it ("objective" in this case, can be anything from a promotion toa relationship).
A big mistake is when you want something to match these desires feelings and thoughts of despair, worry, obsession or whatever fits in the series will end my life if you do not get X "or" I do not mean anything without Y.
Basically, when you desperately want something (a colloquialism, unfortunately), do not manifest than you fear - fear that you will not succeed, you'll be rejected (a) as well so you do not do everything. - And you will attract exactly that: failure, rejection, failure. Even if you get that something temporary, permanent fear that he will lose his turn sooner or later autoimplinita prophecy.
I found one of the best "antidotes" to such an attitude reading a book on Zen wisdom. Way Zen wrote there is to do every thing like your life depends on it, but without caring about the result.
Beyond the apparent contradiction lies an interesting idea: focusing on the total moment can help you be successful because that work with maximum care, so you get better. At the same time, lack of attachment to the result does not mean resignation or fatalism, but an attitude that helps you go forward with serenity and wrong if you do not sleep on her ear if you can.
But, you say, if you are passionate about your work or if you love someone how can you not get involved, not your heart? Passion requires you attach the result of work / relationship and, eventually, to suffer if something goes wrong, right? On this question, perhaps the best answer is Deepak Chopra's distinction between non-attachment and detachment.
Non-attachment word may sound like a synonym for detachment, indifference, and indifference. In reality, non-attachment is a state of freedom, tolerance, acceptance.
Attachment, says Deepak Chopra, is a form of dependency based on ego.Get attached to something or someone because you need to confirm your needs and desires as surely looking, looking to "feel whole" through that something / someone.
Paradoxically, as we're more attached, the more you are more authentic, stronger, truer love you and you can be free from fear of failure because you do not need external confirmation. Relaxation and confidence that the relationship or the draft will go to work and they in turn autoimplinite prophets.
To conclude on a note less ... mystical enlightenment and I am convinced that good ideas can come from anywhere, so I was not surprised when I heard a hit R'n'B (Miss Independent Ne-Yo ), a line that illustrates very well the idea of non-attachment:
There's something about the kind of woman you want But That Do not Need You (grammatical errors belong to the author).
It was not you but you need to how obsessive to want but do not let yourself get consumed by desire is, in essence, to trust in the Universe, God, Buddha or any deity means for you as you work in your favor if you do and you work your side.
Have faith that everything is as it should and you can not stop the natural course of things. In here somewhere, faith meets real inner freedom. Plus, you become very sexy!


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