


Monday, November 29, 2010

Two ways to achieve positive changes that we want

The first is classical Pavlovian conditioning. What this means: it means that when a stimulus coupled with a combination of action and repeat it several times, we reach a point that that stimulus becomes a trigger for the action.For example, coffee can, for some people to be a trigger to light a cigarette.By conditioning, whenever the person is in front of a cup of coffee, his cigarette lights automatically. Most times not aware of this.
How can we use conditioning to bring positive changes in our lives? The answer is to create positive rituals.
I have the following ritual: the morning after I wake up, I sit at the table and getting down to read. What I read: I read my goals that I want to achieve.Every morning, every day without exception. For me waking = reading goals.After a few weeks to introduce automatism and not have to make any effort: it happens every day.
The power of positive rituals is extraordinary: for example, conditioning the waking in the morning with a positive (physical exercise, reviewing objectives and daily tasks, writing an article etc.) can automatically trigger the thing, we can anchor it subconsciously.
How long until we manage this? Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz ("The Power of Full Engagement") believe that we need at least 30 days to install a custom. And it is recommended to focus on one habit that must intregram it a daily ritual.
The examples the authors analyze them are Ivan Lendl and Tiger Woods have used (or still use) in order to condition the rituals and skills to achieve their goals.
Rituals are great ways to transform our objectives and priorities of actions that realize them in all conditions. This success is conditioning.
Lack of a ritual is why we do not get the desired changes. Although we go to personal development courses for example, after a few days or weeks after the course back to our old habits in familiar routines, not to implement the new knowledge received. We are attracted to "the gravitational field of our old habits." But once I broke it this time, changing the "go on automatic pilot" and we do the things we so easily.
Conditioning is an intuitive method to achieve change. Counter-intuitive method to achieve the same change is called hypnosis. If the first method is relatively slow and require more time and effort to get results, hypnosis is the quick way to work directly with the elements of the subconscious mind.
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is the critical factor bypassing the conscious mind and acceptance of selective thinking allowed.
The critical factor is what prevents most of the time to change. The "gravitational field that requires so much effort to overcome.
We thus obtain the two processing methods: the first method involves overcoming (demolition) obstacles to achieve our goals. The second home remove obstacles and give us the opportunity to sprint to the finish. How can we use the second method?


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