


Monday, November 29, 2010

Success in life

Today I woke up this morning thinking that I will write an article entitled "How life deserves to be lived?". I thought to do that because one of those who responded to the challenge launched last week in the article "Why should life be lived?" I suggested the theme mentioned above.
But when I opened my laptop to write, I felt more attracted to this "success in life."
First I chose this topic because here I can write much of the lessons we had learned during my life so far. And, secondly, lately all I see people who are successful in life hiding from the world and those who do not speak to us as they would have.
Yes it is true that if you're a man of a certain quality and have been taught to be modest and common sense, it's hard to think that you are successful. It's hard sometimes to accept that even when I come to you to tell others that.And maybe it's hard and you think, rightly, not successful yet, knowing what you have not yet.
Yes, it's true, success can be the end of the road. It may be when we have it all: special friend, a beautiful family, a professional situation is a reflection of passion, a good financial situation, free time for themselves, loved ones and passions ... and maybe more.
Equally true, though, and the fact that the road can be a success. And that really matter and that as you go by what you want. Matter what values guide you in daily life and that others see you and inspires. Does it matter what attitudes and behaviors that provide examples that others choose as models.
Yes, each of these issues does not mean you have already reached the success that you propose it, but yes, your way is, however, that in itself is seen as a success by others. And if they see him like that, maybe we should give you and you a chance to see it.
It's good to know that you have not yet arrived where you want to go
But as good and perhaps even more heartening is to know you as you propose to be, even if you got there. Know that you are proof that your fulfillment and daily behavior does not depend exclusively on that success, but you, diligently, constantly working to get there. And the fact that doing so in an exemplary manner and should be a success for you to enjoy inside to leave you motivated by success.
So, whether you have arrived where you've wanted to get it or not, how about you give it a chance and successes along the way? First, for you, for surely you will be better if you also see the glass half full and not just empty. And, secondly, for those around you who will surely appreciate to hear about your little successes along the way, even with the modesty and simplicity that can give you proof.
Yes, it's a shame to have a set of values and to respect. It's a shame to be ethically, morally, with common sense, respectful and responsible to yourself and others, to do your job better, to live your dreams or inspire others to live their lives better. None of these things is a disgrace. On the contrary ...



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